Mike Kilroy
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 11:10:02 -0400 (EDT)
Since the 'attachment' is simply the file imbedded in the
email, why not decode it yourself? Find the file in your
pmmail directory (use ZTB or something to view it). Vieiwing
it, you will see the file is simply part of the email. So I
would suggest going to excel, and 'open' that file. It will
say 'this is not an excel file' and proceed to give you a an
importing page. I believe you should be able to import the
file by using the delimiters etc suggested. I would think the
file would become clear if you START THE IMPORT AT ROW xxx -
ie., tell it to ignore the basic email message text, which is
right up front.
Worth a try anyway.
On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 09:01:08 -0500 (CDT), S Zaveloff wrote:
>Someone sent me a message with an attached Excel file. The
>problem is that the file name is in Japanese and begins with an
>escape charachter. PMMAIL/2 (OS/2 version) will not let me
>save the attachment because of this. I tried to forward the
>message to myself so that I could open it in my Japanese OS
>but this doesn't work either.
>Is there someway to rename the attachment so that I can save
>it to my hard disk?
>Steven H. Zaveloff
>P.O. Box 200203 Tel: (512)219-7142
>Austin, Texas 78720-0203 Fax: (707)988-8694
>"Call no man happy till he dies, he is at best but fortunate."
> Herodotus, _Histories_
Mike, AC8V
( o . o )