John Thompson
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 23:54:38 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 19:13:21 -0700 (PDT), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:
>I have seen some responses with complex solutions to renaming a message
>attachment that includes editing the message that has the attachment.
>PMMail/2 provides a simple solution to renaming message attachments. Any
>time you attempt to view an attachment in PMMail, PMMail decodes and saves
>the file to a temporary working directory with the file name contained in
>the message. If the attachment name is incompatible, PMMail cannot
>complete this operation and gives an error message. You can perform a
>similar operation while renaming the attachment.
>1. Open the message with the attachment.
>2. RMB on the icon in the attachment window (or press CTRL+ALT+S)
>3. If RMB, select "Save As" from the popup window.
>4. File system window will appear. Type new name in the file name area and
>if you wish select directory to save decoded attachment into. I recommend
>keeping "xls" extension.
>5. Load saved file into Excel. You're done.
I've used this method with MSWord files sent with long vfat filenames to
save the attachment with an 8.3 filename so the 16-bit MS "WordView"
program can display the document for me in Win-OS/2. Works like a champ!
John (