S Zaveloff
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 07:59:21 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 23:54:38 -0500 (CDT), John Thompson wrote:
>On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 19:13:21 -0700 (PDT), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:
>>I have seen some responses with complex solutions to renaming a message
>>attachment that includes editing the message that has the attachment.
>>PMMail/2 provides a simple solution to renaming message attachments. Any
>>time you attempt to view an attachment in PMMail, PMMail decodes and saves
>>the file to a temporary working directory with the file name contained in
>>the message. If the attachment name is incompatible, PMMail cannot
>>complete this operation and gives an error message. You can perform a
>>similar operation while renaming the attachment.
>>1. Open the message with the attachment.
>>2. RMB on the icon in the attachment window (or press CTRL+ALT+S)
>>3. If RMB, select "Save As" from the popup window.
>>4. File system window will appear. Type new name in the file name area and
>>if you wish select directory to save decoded attachment into. I recommend
>>keeping "xls" extension.
>>5. Load saved file into Excel. You're done.
>I've used this method with MSWord files sent with long vfat filenames to
>save the attachment with an 8.3 filename so the 16-bit MS "WordView"
>program can display the document for me in Win-OS/2. Works like a champ!
I tried this but it did not work. Probably because of the escape characters
that began the filename. There was another attachment with the message
that began with Latin alphabet letters that I was able to use this method
with. I finally managed to do it by replacing everything between "name="
and ".xls" with letters.
Steven H. Zaveloff
P.O. Box 200203 Tel: (512)219-7142
Austin, Texas 78720-0203 Fax: (707)988-8694
"Call no man happy till he dies, he is at best but fortunate."
Herodotus, _Histories_