Flaw In List Software
Gunnar Anzinger
Fri, 04 Jun 1999 04:16:29 +0200
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:59:41 -0400, Bill McCarthy wrote:
> >I wonder why you don't use the content of the "Sender:" header for
> >filtering. This works perfectly for most lists - whether they have
> >"Reply-To:" headers or not.
> Not as reliable and requires maintenance.
What maintenance? I use the Sender: header for filtering since PMMail has
a filter function (v1.5?) and I have no problems with it. Some newer
announcement services which seem to use some obscure Windows software for
sending out their mails are a bit harder to filter than Majordomo or
Listserv lists.
> Yes, to *my* ISP. It seems silly for each user to figure out the correct
> ISP of the spam sender (sometimes its impossible to tell) and each send
> email. The ISP's Spam Administrator takes care of that chore for us.
Strange. I have never heard of an ISP doing such a thing so far...
Bye, Gunnar