Filtering question.

Robert F. Cobourn
Thu, 03 Jun 1999 23:43:14 -0400

>X-Mailer: PMMail 98 Professional (2.01.1600) For Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

  This was a bug that was fixed at some point, I remember reporting it.
 Usually it would only happen in a specific circumstance, such as when
navigating with the keyboard instead of the mouse (or vice versa). 
Perhaps it still exists in the current production version, but not the
current beta?

On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 18:16:07 -0700, Curtis Delzer wrote:

>On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 14:33:58 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>>>'It is important to note that if the message is moved, all further
>>>filtering will STOP at that point. No more filters will be run on the
>>>message once all actions of this filter have been performed.'
>All "action(s)" meaning a second filter cannot be run with the same
>action since the message(s) will not be there to handle, but I tried
>turning round the actions, first to bounce and then to move, and still
>I don't get the drop down list of addresses or a place to write in an
>address or nickname.  Am I missing something?  See if you can duplicate
>this.  Thanks.

<A HREF="">Robert F. Cobourn</A>, President <A HREF="">Entropy Software, Inc.</A><BR>
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