Brian Morrison
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:05:56 +0100
On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 07:49:17 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:33:02 +0100, Brian Morrison wrote:
>>What I'm wondering is why people are changing over to IMAP. Is this
>>really necessary? DOes it really do a better job than POP3?
> IMAP and POP3 are apples and oranges, really. POP3 is a store and
>forward protocol where IMAP is a complete remote access of mailboxes
>protocol. It isn't that it does anything better, it just does it different
>in such a way that many people prefer it.
Yes, I realise that the two are intended for different circumstances, I
was wondering why a company would change over if the circumstances did
not change.
If the people who must now use an IMAP client are part of the
organisation and their views have been ignored when it came to changing
over, it seems pretty hard on them to have to give up a program they
I wonder if BoB and Ike will add IMAP support? Perhaps in version 3?
Brian Morrison
'The village populace is jumpin' on faces, catchin' the javelin,
Headin' the shot.' [FX: wet thud - "Oooo.."]