Fwd: Reducing disk usage?

Steven M. Scotten PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:57:28 -0800

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Sarras <Alexander.Sarras@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
>>>>> writes:

    Alexander> Use an Operating System, not a Game Console!

    Alexander> Sorry, couldn't resist....

I'm unclear about how using a non-MS OS will help you save disk space,
unless you're talking about FAT cluster size issues.

    Alexander> But if you really wan't do stay with M$, use something
    Alexander> like Doublespace, for an exclusice disk for your email.

Better compression solution for Windows would be ZipMagic, which won't
require you to jeapordize your entire hard drive.

Isn't there an archiving utility on the PMMail site?


allows you to strip attachments and


is the archiver.
