Fwd: Reducing disk usage?
Jay Gibberman
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:34:01 -0800
> So, if John Doe said that WindowsNT had no "Blue Screen of Death"
>because it is most certainly hot pink you wouldn't call him on that lie?
Perhaps John Doe is color blind. Maybe his monitor is not adjusted
correctly. Perhaps his video card is failing. He might be misinformed,
but I am not sure I would lead with a liar comment. Telling a lie indicates
an attempt to deceive. While I happen to agree with you concerning the
stability issues and the causes of them, I would also not be so quick to
make an assessment based on 6 or even 60 machines as that would
not be a large enough sample to get statistically valid results. Perhaps
one is more competent at configuring one system or another. Perhaps
one system is more prone to power fluctuations problems. Perhaps one
system is responding to a chip flaw.
I do repeat that my experience agrees with yours and my programmers
understanding of the systems at the operating system level also supports
the assertions, but liar is quite strong and I think inappropriate.