Another New Feature Request
Steve Lamb
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:22:35 -0800
Tuesday, November 09, 1999, 11:16:13 AM, Business wrote:
> Careful Mr. Wood, if you make Mr. Lamb unhappy he'll take his
> list and we will be without again . . .
*laugh* No. I keep my administrative duties separate from my opinions
here. The only reasons the list would move from my machine are that my
connection died, my domain disappears or BSW really, *REALLY* wants it hosted
elsewhere. In the event of the first two I would do everything in my power to
get the member list to a new site ASAP. In the form of the latter, I'd insist
on a week transition period and would work closely with them to make sure
everything transferred over smoothly. Further, the only reason that someone
would be removed from the list by me would be because I got tired of Listar
sending me bounces from them. That normally doesn't happen until I get 8-12
in less than a few hours from any one individual.
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls.