PMMail 2000
Steve Lamb
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 15:28:02 -0700
Friday, October 15, 1999, 3:18:17 PM, xavier wrote:
> Everything else looks like PMMail 98... I haven't found any significat
> difference, other than a different logo...
OK, I'm not an offical guy and don't use PMMail currently but I did beta
on this version for quite a while.
PMMail2000 has quite a few bug fixes. Cosmetically it is pretty much the
same. The one bug that nipped me several times was having multiple PGP keys
under the same identifier. It would default to the first one in the ring, not
the one chosen. PMMail2000 now uses the KeyID so it uses the PGP chosen.
IIRC, PMMail98 doesn't have a global reindexing tool, PMMail2000 should.
There are several behavior fixes in the filtering system. The one I
remember (again, one I got bit by and reported) was that bounces on outgoing
messages sent two messages instead of just one.
Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I've been out
of the beta cycle for the last 2-3 releases but still maintained a low lurking
profile on the beta list.
If I were to say anything about this release it would be this. It is
here, it has fixes. It may not have them all, but what it does have is
important. Furthermore I hope that this will mark a faster release cycle for
further bug fixes and feature enhancements.
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls.