Have they given up?

Steve Wendt pmmail@rpglink.com
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 18:51:01 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:09:09 +0900 (EST), John Angelico wrote:

>That's a debatable point. But WinNT STILL doesn't run as stably as OS/2 EVEN 
>allowing for the difference in support.

I got two copies of this message.  Did I just get duplicates because of a hiccup 
on my mail server, or did others get two?  I'm asking because I want to know 
if John is experiencing the double sends I was complaining about.  :)

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws."
     - Plato (427-347 B.C.)