PGP availability.

Trevor Smith
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 11:49:39 -0300 (ADT)

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 09:19:50 -0400 (EDT), Skip Huffman wrote:

>Any special tricks to upgrading from 2.6.2 OS/2 to  5.0us OS/2
>so it will work with PMMail 2.10.1999?
>(Yeah, I did sit on it for two weeks.  Real work interfering.)

There should be no real trick. The docs that come with 5.0i for OS/2
are the only ones I've looked at but if they're roughly the same as
the ones with 5.0us for OS/2, they may be a bit vague. They make
assumptions that you already understand PGP and know what you're
doing. But for you, this should be accurate.

Basically all you need to do is install 5.0, check/edit the pgp.cfg
file in its directory, set the pgppath envirnoment variable
appropriately and import your old 2.6x key into your new keyring.

One note is that the last setting in pgp.cfg should be "version = 3"
if you want to communicate with other 2.6x users effectively. Or
maybe that's not true/relevant/possible for the us version.

Either way, PMMail/2 doesn't really have any special setup

 Trevor Smith          |
 PGP public key available at: