strange behaviour ;)
Tue, 22 Aug 2000 16:48:26 +0200
I've early opened a new account on
and on this account I receive all messages whit:
from (null) to (null) sbj (null)
the body of the messages is empty, but if I
click on "full header view" there is all I've
sent, but header subject text all jammed, i.e.:
Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 9ACBDF912 for <>; Tue,
22 Aug 2000 10:56:56 +0000 (UTC)Received: (qmail 32211 invoked from network); 22
Aug 2000 10:34:50 -0000Received: from unknown (HELO oemcomputer) (
by with SMTP; 22 Aug 2000 10:34:50 -0000From: "gomez" <gomez69>To: "" <>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000
12:32:36 +0200Reply-To: "gomez" <>Priority: NormalX-Mailer: PMMail
98 Standard (2.01.1600) For Windows NT (4.10.67766222)MIME-Version: 1.0Content-
Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitSubject:
testMessage-Id: <>this is the first line
of textthis is the second line of textgreetings from Mauro
the original message was:
To: "" <>
Subject: test
this is the first line of text
this is the second line of text
greetings from Mauro
all others accounts (on attglobal, supereva,
tiscali and so on) works well...
what's happening whit this one ? any idea ?