David Gaskill
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:37:24 +0100
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 13:19:31 -0400 (EDT), Skip Huffman
>On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 12:10:04 +0100, David Gaskill wrote:
>>Can you see any way around this? (Not involving Python ...)
>Here, how about a REXX script that reads every *.msg file in a
>directory, finds all the unique email addresses and dumps them
>into a file called UNIQUE.ID
>Just run it from the directory with them messages.
>No warrentees. and this si really quick and dirty
Skip e-mailed me the script he had very kindly written but
unfortunately it won't work for me because it was written for the
OS/2 brand of REXX and I am running PMMail 2000 on NT.
Skip has suggested that I ask somebody that is familiar with the
NT brand of Rex to do a translation for me. If anybody was
willing to help I would e-mail Skip's script to them.