Steve Lamb
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:12:26 -0700
Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 7:14:45 AM, Brian wrote:
> I'm as frustrated as anyone, I have sent email to appropriate people to
> ask what is happening. As yet no replies, this is most likely due to
> unwillingness to commit to inaccurate estimates.
However they can do something that would go a long way to helping people
know something is going on. Let us know what they /have/ gotten done. Let's
forgo the promise of timelines and esp. the promise of a "lite" version. I'm
talking details of what has been done.
Are they working on the code? If so, what areas are they working in?
What problems have they had? Have they fixed any bugs? If so, what? Have
they added any features? If so, what? What feature/bug fixes do they have
planned for the next version? How far on they to that goal?
None of those require a timeline, all of them let us know work is being
done and /what/ is being done. I doubt there is much they could pack into the
client right now that isn't done elsewhere so there shouldn't be issues of the
competitors learning about what they are doing and copying them. Unless, of
course, they've decided to take the radical course I proposed to Southsoft a
few years back.
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls.