Bruce Francis
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:28:57 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:12:26 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 7:14:45 AM, Brian wrote:
>> I'm as frustrated as anyone, I have sent email to appropriate people to
>> ask what is happening. As yet no replies, this is most likely due to
>> unwillingness to commit to inaccurate estimates.
> However they can do something that would go a long way to helping people
>know something is going on. Let us know what they /have/ gotten done. Let's
>forgo the promise of timelines and esp. the promise of a "lite" version. I'm
>talking details of what has been done.
All that would be nice, Steve, but I'd settle for a "Hi, this is
Thomas Bradford. We purchased PMMail/2, and we're going
to support it as well as you've come to expect from BMT Micro."
Timelines would instill some confidence, but they're not necessary
(as an engineer, I hate to give 'em, but *my* customers demand them).
Lacking a timeline, a buglist would instill some confidence that
someone "over there" (Ralph is doing a good job, but he's not a
BSW employee) has all of this stuff down. Lacking a buglist,
some sort of sales puffery would instill some level of confidence.
I agree with your earlier post re: Trevor's contributions here. Jimmie
has bee great here too. However, after all this time it is obvious that
someone "higher up" at BSW knows what's going on. We haven't heard
anything from them, and frankly *that* is what is raining on this parade:
we're being cultivated like a mushroom farm (you know how that one
Any sort of information from a _decision_maker_ at BSW would be
a large step beyond what we've seen so far for the last 6 months.....
[Aside: others in this thread are jumping off this email client, so it
sounds. I am the one that started this complaint yesterday (received
another of the HTML-from-hell messages), but I have NO intention
whatsoever of switching clients. I'm must irritated about being
cultivated like a mushroom.]
Bruce Francis
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