PMMail 2001 and PMMail/2 Future
Simon Bowring
Thu, 07 Sep 2000 13:12:18 +0100 (BST)
A colleage of mine recived this message recently about PM Mail 2001(!).
I am a registered user of PMMail/2 and find it disconcerting that
I have not had any similar email - does this bode badly for the
OS/2 version?
Simon B.
Dear PMMail User,
As a licensed owner of our email client, we're emailing you to solict
your input for the next version (development began 2 months ago <g>)
As always, we consider your input to be of the utmost importance and
will do everything we can to include the features that you would like
see in the upcoming version scheduled for Q4 this year
The survey URL is located at:
We won't take any more of your time, and would like to thank you for
your continued support.
Thomas Bradford, President
Blueprint Software Works, Inc.