Questions for PMMail Tech Support
Rodney R. Korte
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:03:01 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 20:20:58 -0400 (EDT), Ralph Cohen wrote:
>Regardless, the point of my question was not to start yet another
>debate about the merits of HTML email, I was merely attempting to
>understand the claims made on PMMail's home page. I assume BSW
I believe that this question was covered some time ago by SouthSoft,
and doubt the situation has changed. If you recall, the OS/2 version
doesn't have this (and other nifty features like the sort-by-clicking-
on-the-column-header) because these types of widgets preexist in the
Windows world, and not in the OS/2 world. To put them in the OS/2
version would require them (was SouthSoft, now Blueprint) to write
them. Not that I like it, but I'd personally make the same decision
based on distribution and revenue.
Rodney R. Korte OS/2. Operate at a higher level. ---> MIME, PGP (at URL below) welcome.
Phone: 814-863-0817 Fax: 814-863-6239