Questions for PMMail Tech Support
Trevor Smith
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:22:10 -0300
On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:03:01 -0400 (EDT), Rodney R. Korte wrote:
>I believe that this question was covered some time ago by SouthSoft,
>and doubt the situation has changed. If you recall, the OS/2 version
>doesn't have this (and other nifty features like the sort-by-clicking-
>on-the-column-header) because these types of widgets preexist in the
This is NOT A PROMISE and I don't speak from any inside information
(seriously) but I once thought the same thing about the 'sort by
clicking column headers' and someone pointed out to me that Peter
Nielsen had managed to implement such a beast in PMView.
I wonder if these might now make it into PMMail/2. My fingers are
crossed but I'm not a programmer and I have been told that the
codebases for PMMail/2 and PMView are in very different shapes. Some
day I'll get around to asking Peter, maybe.
Trevor Smith |
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