[pmmail-list] eComStation

Sergio Trovarelli pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Thu, 01 Feb 2001 04:15:14 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:22:24 +0100 (CET), Peter Jespersen wrote:

>On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 17:04:43 -0800 (PST), Phil Kane wrote:
>>  Has anyone successfllly used the OS/2 versions of PMMail/2 and
>>  PMInews with eComStation, one of the near-future OS/2 upgrades?
>>  I only have a few weeks to decide whether this upgrade is for
>>  me, and those two programs are the workhorses of my operation.
>I'm using PMMail/2 and PMMail on the eCS preview1 (Aug drop of
>No problem....
>But SDD/2+Styler/2+PMINews kan make PMINews behave a bit strenge
>and freeze with a G400 (Just kill the PMINews process and start
>PMINews again, no problem)...Haven't really found a pattern yet!
>If I exclude PMINews from the claws of Styler/2, it works just
>perfect...I used the native Matrox driver on WSeB and
>SDD/2+Styler/2+PMINews worked perfectly.

Probably is a bug on SDD driver, look at http://space.tin.it/scienza/acantato/files/newbtn2.zip anche see if this file can help with 
your problem.


   Sergio Trovarelli

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