[pmmail-list] PLEASE put the subject-identifier back!!!
Rod... Whitworth
Thu, 08 Feb 2001 19:28:14 +1100 (EDT)
On Thu, 08 Feb 2001 08:18:00, Xav wrote:
>Now the tag is back, I see loads of
>messages with an identical subject line, no indication of the original
>messages and their replies and the TAG that takes up seemingly half the
>subject line.
13 chars of tag and 42 chars of yours?
>Too bad, I value my eyesight. I'll unsubscribe.
What there is left of it by the sound of it. Frankly I didn't give a fsck either
way but the argument wasted a whole lot of bandwidth and contributed 4/5 of
5/8ths of SFA to the product improvement or fixing of bugs.
Whoops! It actually detracted by taking BPSW time.
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