[pmmail-list] Setting Chars/Line
Dave Hathaway
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 19:14:48 -0700
On Wed, 04 Jul 2001 09:56:34 +1000 (EST), Rod... Whitworth wrote:
>> Thus my text is
>> RFC-compliant 70 characters wide regardless of what others do.
>Hi Dave.
>Not to say that 70 chars does not comply but the RFC is not that
>strict. Many unix users whine if a line is over 72 but the RFC says
>that the limit is 1000 chars (!) including the <CR><LF> but -should- be
>max 80 including <CR><LF>.
I was putting my tongue into my cheek. I don't whine (too loudly) most
of the time, but rather try to lead by example. :)
One memorable list I was on had a bunch of retired woodworkers who
insisted on HTML-formatted text *AND* quoting entire messages, including
old and irrelevant previous replies. The daily digest of 50 messages
exceeded 200K, but worst was trying to find the actual content among all
the HTML tags (>>> etc ad nauseum).
I'm glad this list is knowledgable, and proof of that is in that someone
actually knows what an RFC is! :)
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