[pmmail-list] Sort order of MOVE folder targets
Bruce Francis
Fri, 02 Mar 2001 23:51:02 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 02 Mar 2001 20:39:13 -0500, Gene Gough wrote:
>My understaning from Jimmy when I originally talke to him (or Trevor, was a long time ago) was that
>was in (then) Windows 98 PMMAIL only, OS/2 was OK. In fact, he was surprised when I told him
that it
>was not working in Win98 PMMAIL. Same failure in PMMAIL/2000.
I see this under OS/2 *only* under the following circumstance: add a new
folder and _before_shutting_down PMMail/2 then use the button to call
up the folder list -- the new folder will be at the bottom. If you shut down
PMMail/2 and start it up again, the list is now sorted alphabetically and
looks like the GUI representation.
Bruce Francis BFrancis@pobox.com
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