[pmmail-list] PMMail 2.20.2320 still crashing when retreiving email from POP3
Michael Gerdau
Wed, 09 May 2001 00:23:31 +0200
Hi !
I just installed PMMailw 2.20.2320 on Win2K sp1.
The crash I had reported on 02-May-2001 is still there.
It happens when retrieving a certain mail from my POP3 account no matter
how I try.
I have not yet deleted the mail that does produce this behavior - therefor
I'm able to provide more detailed info (registers etc.) if need be.
Below you'll find a stacktrace and register dump at the time of the
crash. Please inform me if you need more help.
PMMail 2.20.2320
NTDLL! 77f81b4d access violation at 0x204E94B4 (read)
PMMAILW! 004231ec()
PMMAILW! 0042433c()
PMMAILW! 004246f9()
PMMAILW! 0042464e()
PMMAILW! 0042464e()
PMMAILW! 00426d91()
PMMAILW! 0044592c()
PMMAILW! 0047a65d()
PMMAILW! 0047aab8()
PMMAILW! 004b05a2()
KERNEL32! 77e737cd()
EAX = 204E94A0 EBX = 011F6228
ECX = 7FFDC000 EDX = 204E94A0
ESI = 204E9480 EDI = 00000009
EIP = 77F81B4D ESP = 01A5085C
EBP = 01A67194 EFL = 00000206
MM0 = 0000000900000000
MM1 = 0005000977E089C1
MM2 = 0005000063001550
MM3 = 0012F2840012F21C
MM5 = 8000000000000000
MM6 = C885E00000000000
MM7 = 9A40000000000000
XMM0 = 0000000377E17A026300155000140274
XMM1 = 001402740000000977E08A9700000000
XMM2 = 00140274000000090000000000000000
XMM3 = 6E3319900012F2E80000000000000001
XMM4 = 000000000014027400000009000701D3
XMM5 = 0000000977E16B09000500017FFDE000
XMM6 = 000000110012F3140000004E00140274
XMM7 = 0000001100D8000000D809B877F82371
CS = 001B DS = 0023 ES = 0023 SS = 0023
FS = 0038 GS = 0000 OV=0 UP=0 EI=1 PL=0
ZR=0 AC=0 PE=1 CY=0
204E94B4 = ????????
XMM00 = +1,83759E-039
XMM01 = +2,36272E+021
XMM02 = +9,14642E+033
XMM03 = +4,20390E-045
XMM10 = +0,00000E+000
XMM11 = +9,10848E+033
XMM12 = +1,26117E-044
XMM13 = +1,83759E-039
XMM20 = +0,00000E+000
XMM21 = +0,00000E+000
XMM22 = +1,26117E-044
XMM23 = +1,83759E-039
XMM30 = +1,40130E-045
XMM31 = +0,00000E+000
XMM32 = +1,74018E-039
XMM33 = +1,38572E+028
XMM40 = +6,43503E-040
XMM41 = +1,26117E-044
XMM42 = +1,83759E-039
XMM43 = +0,00000E+000
XMM50 = +1,#QNANE+000
XMM51 = +4,59179E-040
XMM52 = +9,14404E+033
XMM53 = +1,26117E-044
XMM60 = +1,83759E-039
XMM61 = +1,09301E-043
XMM62 = +1,74024E-039
XMM63 = +2,38221E-044
XMM70 = +1,00657E+034
XMM71 = +1,98400E-038
XMM72 = +1,98365E-038
XMM73 = +2,38221E-044 MXCSR = 00001F80
ST0 = +0.00000000000000000e+0000
ST1 = +0.00000000000000000e+0000
ST2 = -0.00033287030727966e+2466
ST3 = -0.00214462471040978e+3936
ST4 = -7.74469031882196070e+3883
ST5 = +5.12000000000000000e+0002
ST6 = +3.36421683200000000e+0009
ST7 = +2.41015625000000000e+0000
CTRL = 027F STAT = 0100 TAGS = FFFF
EIP = 004B7660
CS = 001B DS =
Vote against SPAM - see http://www.politik-digital.de/spam/
Michael Gerdau email: mgd@technosis.de
Windows is made by MicroSOFT, not MicroGOOD, MicroRIGHT, or MicroFAST.
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