[pmmail-list] PMMAIL 2.20.2380 file corruption (forwards with attachments)
Lueko Willms
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 08:17:17 +0200 (MES)
On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 15:10:27 -0400, Kevin Murphy wrote:
On problems with duplicate filenames across messages, which are all
stored in PMMail's TEMP directory, creating conflicts and data
> The very simple solution to this is to use a subdirectory based on the msg ID or something similar. That way you don't even have to worry about knowing when it is open or closed, or what have you.
This is nearly perfect.
I think, the best solution is to use the main part of the filename
of the message to form a directory name and put all attachments to
that file in that directory.
Example: Kevin Murphy's message which I am replying to, is stored
here as file GJWONV0.MSG in a directory
L_WILL0.ACT\Verteil2.FLD\PMmail0.FLD under my PMMail directory.
If there were any attachments, a _directory_ named GJWONV0.ATT
should be created in the same directory
L_WILL0.ACT\Verteil2.FLD\PMmail0.FLD\ to receive all the attachments
to that message (maybe under condition that an attachment is really
detached; I might want to delete a message without opening even the
message in the first place).
This might make it a little more difficult to move a message from
one folder to another, but it avoids all problems with duplicate
filenames between different messages. Only when within one message
the same filenames appears several times, one might have to create
further subdirectories under the message's attachment directory.
Placing all attachments in one single directory for _all_ messages
is bound to create problems.
Lüko Willms
/ Lueko.Willms@T-Online.de