[pmmail-list] Fwd: [os2info] [VOICENWS] Bug in PMMail 2.20.2380

Bruce Francis pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 12:48:59 -0400 (EDT)

Found in VoiceNews Announcement list, FYI:

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
>To: news@os2voice.org
>From: madodel@ptdprolog.net
>Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 19:47:32 -0500
>Subject: [os2info] [VOICENWS] Bug in PMMail 2.20.2380
>Reply-To: os2info@yahoogroups.com

From: "Walter Metcalf" <walter.os2@rogers.com> 

There is a minor problem in PMMail 2.20.2380 that is causing it to show
the Time Zone Designator as Daylight time even though Daylight Time does
not begin for those of us in the Eastern Time Zone until April 7 2002.  (I
don't know how or if this affecting people in other time zones, but if you
live there you should probably check.)    Hopefully the problem will reset
itself when Daylight Time actually begins.

If you are not running an internet-based clock such as Time868 or eCS
Clock, you may be able to get around the problem by REM'ing out the TZ
statement in your CONFIG.SYS.  However internet clocks require the TZ

I have written Blueprintworks about the problem and will post any response
from them here.

Walter Metcalf
VOICE President

===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

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