[pmmail-list] Do Other PMMail users have problems with Windows Resource Corruption?

Steve Barber pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 14:05:09 -0500

I'm not sure, but I suspect that PMMail 2000 might be at the root of
a Windows problem on my machine.  This is only a theory at this
point, but I'm looking for other PMMail users who might be
experiencing similar problems.

I'm running Win98 on a 2.5 year old Dell PIII.  I've used PMMail
continuously on that and earlier OS/2 machines.  About a year ago, I
started experiencing resource corruptions ... Usually after a few
minutes of rebooting, the Start button, and other Windows resources
like the three buttons in the upper right corner of windows would get
overwritten with garbage images taken from elsewhere on the desktop. 
Windows would continue to run and the buttons would continue to
function.  Reboot clears, but the corruption soon returns.

This has occurred with some regularity over the last year or so ...
with some periods where it seems to clear up, before returning.  I've
used PMMail on other Win98 machines and Win2000 machines but haven 't
experienced the problems there.  The problem only occurs on my
primary machine (on which I get a LOT of mail ... the other machines
seldom got much mail).

I usually don't delete old received or sent mail for long periods (I
do usually delete the SPAM, but keep all other messages).  
Occasionally, I create an inbox archive folder for an old quarter and
move all those received messages into that new folder.  Same for the
Sent mail folder, but I usually only do that annually, since the sent
volume is relatively lighter.  Still, both the Inbox and the Sent
mail folders can get quite large between archives.

So, I now have the theory, that PMMail folders which have very large
numbers of messages in them may be causing PMMail to "clobber"
Windows resources.  

I've ruled out several other applications (I originally suspected
Webshots, but that doesn't appear to be the culprit.)  and system
configurations (memory, undefragged disks, etc).   I've been
unsuccessful pinning the problem on any situation or application, so
far, but I now have a clue that it might be PMMail 2000 that's
clobbering Window's resources.  That clue is that last night, I moved
lots of old messages from the Inbox and Sent folders (to other
folders I use as archive folders) ... and MAGICALLY, the Windows
resource clobber hasn't occurred since.  

One thing that this theory might explain is the occasional periods
where the problem doesn't occur (presumably after I've archived mail)
... and it might explain why the problem returns again (after the
folders become too large).  

So, has anyone else experienced this windows resource clobber ... and
can you link the problem to PMMail or to mail folders with lots of
messages in them?

Thanks, for your help.  Steve
Steve Barber
104 Sylvan Grove
Cary, NC 27511

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