[pmmail-list] OS2 or Windows (was: Re: when is the new beta coming?)
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 08:22:11 +0200 (MES)
On Thu, 29 Aug 2002 01:00:55 +0200 (MSZ), Boris Kirkorowicz wrote:
> OS/2 version, the Windows version, or both. And I'd like
> to recognize it at the first look without having to read an entire
> thread. Unfortunately it is mostly not recognizable by the subjects,
> and since not separated in specific lists anymore I am tired of reading
> very much stuff that I am not interested in.
Since the declared intention of BSW is to rewrite the Windows version
first, and then to port it back to OS/2, also a OS/2-only user would be very
interested in the features being discussed, and trying to influence it, before
it is frozen in code.
BTW, here is also a lot of discussion on the spell checking which is
available only for english language (and probably US-english only), even to
the point of discussion on language-specific problems, and I don't complain,
although this does really not interest me. Remote-control also does not really
interest me, since I do not use it more than once a year. But since on a
mailing list with many participants, there will always be topics which don't
interest me, I don't complain.
BTW, for spell checking, I use Papyrus office (www.rom-logicware.de) which
I have configured as the external editor, and which has spell checking not
only for German (both the correct and the current official one), US-english
and GB-english, but also for French, Spanish, and Dutch. I prefer to have one
spell checking central, not differing spell checking if I write an email or a
letter on paper.
But nevertheless, I agree with your first point: people should please
identify the OS-version they are using.
Lüko Willms
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