[pmmail-list] Disappearing Icons

Jeroen T. Bezemer pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Wed, 02 Jan 2002 21:59:40 +0100 (CET)

Remember me?

I reported some erratic behaviour with attachment-icons in the /2
version 2370 some months ago (not resolved yet)
Now I did install Warp again (V4 fix15) from scratch, and the icons
were back the first time, but after some installing of desktop
enhancers, like object desktop and Xworkplace, they disappeard again...
But...    I can get them back.

how? When I save the attachment to the desktop, the desktop gives it
the standard "jpeg" icon. 
Doubleclicking the icon on the desktop fires up the "Image-viewer", and
then, suddenly, the jpeg-icon in the message appears (not the standard
"attachment"-icon), and I am able to drag the icon again. (which was
impossible, I got a "file dropped on invalid target" as soon as I
dragged the [invisable] Icon for just 1 pixel or so; even without
dropping it)

Just something strange: Doubleclicking the attachment starts PMView,
while the icon in the desktop starts the default-viewer (The ugly

I have No Mime-settings in PMMail (the PMMail-Settings-Mimeassociations
page is empty)

This solution only works until reboot.

The program PM-Inews [version 2.00.1205] (originally the same author as
PMMail) does work correctly all the time, even installed in the same
so this is not a question of following mime-rules or
system-associations. I have the feeling that at some place the program
mixes these, or just make something up.

When filing the correct mime-associations, the program fails to start

Best wishes for 2002

With kind regards,

Jeroen T. Bezemer

Sliedrecht, The Netherlands

ICQ 34980366

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