[pmmail-list] Ad blocking proxy hoses PMMail
Gene Gough
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:53:07 -0500
I have been using POW (freeware) available at
to prevent most of the pupup dropdown add in the browser. It a learning thing that you have to teach so
your going to get every New add at least once. BUT, it doesn't cause a problem in PMMAIL PRO on Win
On Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:21:30 -0500, Allan McLane wrote:
>Here's a new one (for me, anyway):
>I used to run an old but very reliable blocking program called AtGuard but it won't run under W2K so I
just installed AdSubtract Pro on this Win2K system and now PMMail freezes solid whenever I try to click
on a web link in an open message.
>This ad blocking program automatically sets up an HTTP proxy server (AdSubtract, Port 4444) in IE5's
configuration panel.
>This scheme works fine for IE but it seems that PMMail (2.20.2380) For Windows 2000 (5.0.2195;2)
gets hosed by it.
>I thought I'd ask here first before pestering the AdSubtract folks ( http://www.adsubtract.com/ ) ...
Does anyone here have any ideas? I can't see anywhere in the PMMail setup screens to accomodate this
sort of arrangement. PMMail runs fine if I quit the Ad blocker app.
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Gene Gough IBM - Retired Marietta, GA
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