[pmmail-list] Ad blocking proxy hoses PMMail
John Swartzentruber
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 14:08:08 -0500
On Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:53:07 -0500, Gene Gough wrote:
>I have been using POW (freeware) available at
>to prevent most of the pupup dropdown add in the browser. It a learning thing that you have to teach so
>your going to get every New add at least once. BUT, it doesn't cause a problem in PMMAIL PRO on Win
You might also want to check out Guidescope (http://www.guidescope.com)
which works here with PMMail Pro on Win2K. It doesn't block popup
windows, but it blocks ads and redirections.
Regardless of what you end up with, you should check out
http://www.analogx.com as Gene mentions. It has lots of other good,
free software.
I too miss AtGuard. Too bad it doesn't run under Win2K.
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