[pmmail-list] Invoking PMMail/2 from Mozilla
Simon Wright
Sat, 08 Jun 2002 15:51:55 +0200 (CDT)
>Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2002 14:16:35 +0200
>From: "Sorin Srbu" <sorin@orgfarm.uu.se>
>On Fri, 07 Jun 2002 22:24:38 +0200 (CDT), Simon Wright wrote:
>>>>>>May I ask how you did this? Storing the mailfolders on a lan that
>>>>>>is. I've been trying to do the same thing, but always end up with
>>>>>>the demo-version of Pmm...
>>>>>Very easy. Just add your data directory to the working directory
>>>>>box in your program object. Path & file name has the full path
>>>Now the mailto-clicking in IE doesn't work anymore. Why??
>>Now the registry entry in win2k points to the program directory
>>instead of the data files entry. I'm not on a windows machine
>>right now, so I can't give you the reg key, but do a search for
>The only path I can find is the one pinting to the executable, and
>that one I know I shouldn't change, or the mailer won't work at
Not so. Mine shows:
ShellDirectory:REG_SZ: z:\email\data
set this key to your data directory, just like mine is. Make
sure that PMMail is your default mailer, set under:
Control Panel --> Internet Properties --> Programs --> E-mail
--> PMMail 2000
If you don't have PMMail available under this drop-down box,
re-run the install and accept the defaults at the end to
associate *.msg files with PMMail etc., though you don't need
the shortcut hotkey if you don't want it (can add manually later
if you want).
This does work Sorin, on NT4 and 2000, but don't try it now, get
out and enjoy the sun while it lasts otherwise I might have to
think that you are a 08 instead of from Uppsala <bg>.
PS. Any chance of trimming your sig. a bit for the list? Between
your sig. and Hazen's vast quotes, the digest becomes something
of a chore trying to pick the messages out from between the
stuff that we've all seen before!
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