[pmmail-list] Spam -- your definition
Ralph Cohen
Fri, 31 May 2002 17:26:09 -0400
On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:46:29 -0300, PMMail OS/2 Support wrote:
>On Fri, 31 May 2002 11:21:29 +1200, Richard Grevers wrote:
>>The big risk of these is
>>that some trigger-happy ISP won't check things properly and will kill the account of an innocent
>Indeed, this is a major problem and one that started me thinking
>about "what is spam?"
>I have been told by ISPs and hosting companies that they would -- and
>even SEEN hosting companies -- shut down people's accounts if they
>got reports of spam. No chance for explanation, no questions asked,
>just boom, you're cut off.
I agree. A similar problem occurs if your ISPs SMTP server gets added
to a "black list" so that any mail you send is automatically rejected
by the recipients server. My primary ISP is Comcast Cable which has
approx 1.5 million subscribers. On a couple of occasions, I and every
other subscriber, have had our mail blocked because somewhere in the
Comcast system someone sent out email through the server considered to
be SPAM or because the black lister made a mistake. In this case,
there's absolutely no recourse for the subscribers other than waiting
for the block to be lifted.
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