[pmmail-list] A couple of 2634 wish list items....
Frank Winkler @home
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:06:13 +0200 (CEST)
On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 19:46:45 -0500, Wendell Brown wrote:
>>includes RcvdMsg(From, To, Subject, Text), CreateMsg(To, Cc, Subject, Text),
>>Address Book. I am a big Ctrl-INS/Shift-INS user and don't remember it ever
>As insane as this sounds... try it in the TO box... Yeah, I know, I'm
>lazy, but I bring up an old message on a list and try to copy the TO
>address for use in a new outgoing message.
As you need to use the mouse here anyway, why don't you copy mith one if the
mouse buttons? Works fine!
But I'm glad that I can do most of the work by keyboard. There's nothing worse
than being forced to permanently switch between mouse and keyboard.
Frank Winkler frank@consol.de
ConSol GmbH
Franziskanerstr. 38 Voice +49 89 45841.275
81669 Munich - Germany Fax +49 89 45841.189
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