[pmmail-list] headers
Wayne Dunham
Tue, 26 Aug 2003 08:48:57 -0400
I just confirmed that. I sent a test message to myself and did a
remote control to get the headers of the messages and the header for
that message turned up in the Headers folder for that account which
previously had no files in that folder.
I would guess that it's ok to delete those files in the Headers
folder after you're done with a specific remote control session.
It would be nice if PmMail had some kind of housekeeping function for
that folder to delete the unused .hdr files after it's done with them.
--Original Message Text---
From: Ronald K. Smith
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 15:43:09 -0400
Hi all.
I just checked my header directory and the files matched up to the last
set of headers that I received using remote control on the account. I
hope this is the answer.
Ron Smith
Wayne Dunham
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