[pmmail-list] Problem sending mail
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 08:04:27 +0100
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 09:23:24 +0700, Dr. Jeffrey Race wrote:
>You need to differentiate whether problem is in her mail client or at
>the mail server; also you need a better diagnostic message.
>She can do this by telnetting to the SMTP server from a command prompt
>and observing the transaction record. Tell your friend how to do this
>and ask for a screen capture of the session, if you know how to do. If
>not, let us know and I can post to the list instructions how to do this.
I'd appreciate the instructions :-)) The smtp mail server has been
having problems. What I can't understand is the success sending to
some mail addresses and then others getting the error - this after
creating new accounts.
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