[pmmail-list] Missing Message-ID
Simon Bowring
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:10:50 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 21 Mar 03 08:21:42 -0800, Fred J. Tydeman wrote:
>On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:34:29 +0000 (GMT), Simon Bowring wrote:
>>I have no idea why a server or client etc would be set up
>>bounce an email that didn't contain a message-id either!
>He told me because most spam does not have message-id,
>and it is part of his fight agaist spam.
As others have said, this is a poor (and fairly "dumb") way of
detecting spam!
>>You probably should upgrade btw!
>Why? What features am I missing?
Well it's obviously up to you ("if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and
all that), and I can't remember what features you may be missing
(*probably* only fairly minor tweaks and bug-fixes). However if you
have any problems with v1.95a, not so many people here will be able
to help you (and BPSWs first response is likely to be "try the
latest version").
>is support for PMMail on OS/2 went away.
No not really, support is still there, and the consensus seems
to be that there'll very likely be a new OS/2 version, once the
wxWindows rewrite is done. But again, you're going to get better
formal (BPSW) and informal (us!) support for v2.20.2382, because
that's what most(?) of the rest of us are running!
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