[pmmail-list] Missing Message-ID
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 10:49:11 +0100 (MEZ)
On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 22:41:19 +0100, Norbert Schmidt wrote:
> > The Internet mail system does not provide a simply system for end
> >systems to generate unique message IDs, as ZCONNECT e.g. is doing.
> well, prepending something locally unique to the email address of the
> sender seems to be the quasi standard used by most ISPs.
As you say, used by the ISP.
This my message comes from my own domain, and only my PMMail is
accessing its mailboxes.
But for my mailboxes at T-Online or GMX, it is them who are setting
the rules, and I would have to implement them in my PMMail, after
> If you combine
> the current date and time with a global counter (just to be on the
> side ...), this should be unique enough.
I would need a local ID to differenciate against any other algorithm
used by any other user within that ISP.
As I said, such a mechanism is provided in ZCONNECT, but not RFC.
But using the own email address, which has to be unique, as a basis
for numbering, should be OK in most cases. But a sphere of insecurity is
left, because of the deficiencies of the Internet architecture itself,
in my view.
Lüko Willms
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