Corrupted Folder.BAG files in PMMail 2000 (Windows)

Michael Baum
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:18:50 -0500

I'm sure there was a memo on this that I missed, but are other people experiencing a problem with PMMail 2000 (Windows version) in which it every so often spams the BAG file with two or more extra records pointing to the same message? And is there a cure, as it gets old fast.

Michael Baum <>
#!/usr/bin/perl -s
$f=$d?-1:1;$D=pack('C*',33..86);$p=shift;$p=~y/a-z/A-Z/; $p=~s/[A-Z]/$k=ord($&)-64,&e/eg; $k=0;while(<>){y/a-z/A-Z/;y/A-Z//dc;$o.=$_;}if(!$d){$o.='X' while length($o)%5;} $o=~s/./chr((ord($&)-13+$f*&e)%26+65)/eg;$o=~s/X*$// if $d;$o=~s/.{5}/$& /g; print"$o\n";sub v{$v=ord(substr($D,$_[0]))-32;$v>53?53:$v;} sub e{$D=~s/(.*)U$/U$1/;$D=~s/U(.)/$1U/;$D=~s/(.*)V$/V$1/;$D=~s/V(.)/$1V/; $D=~s/(.*)V$/V$1/;$D=~s/V(.)/$1V/;$D=~s/(.*)([UV].*[UV])(.*)/$3$2$1/;$c=&v(53); $D=~s/(.{$c})(.*)(.)/$2$1$3/;if($k){$D=~s/(.{$k})(.*)(.)/$2$1$3/;} $c=&v(&v(0));$c>52?&e:$c;}