PMMail Updates Status

Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr.
Fri, 05 May 2000 18:16:49 -0400

Hello All,

I am sorry for the lack of info.  We are unfortunately and obviously running 
behind on the development of PMMail.  

The release and date estimates which I had mentioned on the list previously 
were based off of the latest progress reports that I had been given on the 
status.  Due to outside circumstances we have run into a few delays.

I will hold off on releasing any more date related info until I get something 
definite (and running on my machine).  


>>>>Two weeks ago you posted some info about updates, etc. and I was
>>>>wondering if you could bring us up to date on a couple of items:
>>>Is there any news about this?
>>The only news is that they (BSW, Thomas Bradford) said they 
>>don't release "news".  They feel it is better if they tell us *when* 
>>something is ready, and then and only then *where* to get it.   
>>Until then, they say nothing .... otherwise we users become confused.
>You know, BSW could be right.  I thought three months ago when they
>promised us information about the new PMMail programmer and a timeline
>of future fixes and enhancements that they intended to deliver on those
>promises.  Or three weeks ago when they mentioned the imminent release
>of a PMMail Lite version and new bug fix versions of PMMail I thought
>that they intended to deliver on those as well.  I even thought that if
>BSW had a problem meeting their self-imposed deadlines that they would
>be courteous enough to let us know.  I guess I am just confused...
>Ralph Cohen

Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr.

Blueprint Software Works, Inc.
Sales: 800-603-5684  /   910-452-4787 
Fax: 910-452-4046