Questions for PMMail Tech Support

Bruce Francis
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 23:43:34 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 20:20:58 -0400 (EDT), Ralph Cohen wrote:

>I would have no problem whatsoever if PMMail/2 were able to display
>HTML messages without opening up my browser.  I use both the OS/2 and
>Windows versions and it is very convenient to be able to view HTML
>messages in the preview window in PMMail 2k.  Personally, I'm not
>interested in the ability to send HTML emails, but since I receive them
>all the time, easily viewing them with PMMail/2 would be great. 
>Regardless, the point of my question was not to start yet another
>debate about the merits of HTML email, I was merely attempting to
>understand the claims made on PMMail's home page.  I assume BSW
>understands PMMail/2 well enough not to have written the statement
>without there having been a basis for it, so I'm just trying to
>determine the basis for their claim.

First let me pat you on the back for a great set of questions.
I'll be interested to hear the answers from someone (official) at BSW.

Second, although I never use HTML for email, I will be glad
to be able to receive an HTML email here in PMMail/2    *without*
having to discard every one of them out of abject fear that just
touching one and having the "preview" window open at the same
time will indeed   _crash_   PMMail/2, requiring me to have to
reload all of the messages again upon restarting the client.
   (What a wonderful bug .... wonder if it is fixed yet, or soon to be?)
       [.... or even on the "list" ?]

Bruce Francis    
 For PGP Public key:  email with Subject "BFrancis Public Key"