Questions for PMMail Tech Support

Simon Bowring
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:12:25 +0100 (BST)

>I've moved around to about 5 very different machines, from an old P120
>on up to a brand new PIII-600. I've never had a problem with HTML
>e-mail in PMMail/2, my preview window is always open. In fact, I
>wouldn't even know that I get them (PMMail is a darn good stripper!),
>were it not for the fact that I still maintain a shell account that I
>occasionally grab the mail from.
>How many other people see the problem? Maybe I'm just the lucky one.

No, you're not alone - I've never had the problem to my knowledge either,
but then way less than 10% of the mail I get is HTML, and that 10% is 90%
spam (but then most of the people I correspond with are highly computer 
literate or work in the industry and are aware of the issues).

Even "New Scientist" magazine's editors recently complained about 
the folly of HTML mail, and have asked (in vain) that all submissions,
letters and press releases are supplied in plain text!
