[pmmail-list] Additional feature request for OS/2 New Version

pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:02:51 +0100 (CET)

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Hi Winfried!

On  1 Feb, Winfried Tilanus wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:43:05 +0100 (CET),
> pmmail-archive@joachimselinger.de wrote:
>>That just leads me to another feature request. Can we possibly get some
>>function that would tell us the full path of the message in question?
>>This way, it would be easier to do manual manipulations on the message
>>Often have I gone throuhg lots of files with 'grep' and companions to
>>find the one where I want to extract some info in the raw format.
> Well, I don't know exactly how such a function should wor, but some
> kind of it, is already present in PMMail: the external hook (send /
> recieve / filter). It passes as argument the message that is processed
> to the script.
> Want a copy of the message? Make a batchfile like this:
> @copy %1 c:\someplace\
> Don't know if this is a sollution to your problem?

Thanks for the idea! Yes that is a solution, but requires one more step. I
thought of having the path on my fingertips and available for cut and
past. Your solution still has a problem if you do this often, as it
clutters up \someplace\ and then I'm still at a loss which message which
file there was, unless I delete the older ones or overwrite them.

I figured, as the information about the file is there anyway, showing it
to the user, e.g. in the column of the message list pane at the very end,
would be very handy.

Joachim F. Selinger        /  \ /  \/\ /\/  \              ___
Brunhildenweg 4           /    \/\ /  \  \/\ \              |
D-70597 Stuttgart,Germany/     /  / CU \ /  \ \  ----------(0)----------
Tel.(49)+711-901-8040   /   =FC /  /      /    \ \            '

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