PGP problems
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 11:08:03 -0700 (PDT)
> >I can't think of any other reason for your suggestion that everybody
> >should use PGP
> "most of my mail is unimportant, only the /important/ stuff should be
> encrypted"
> You realize that defeats the point?! If only "important" or "illegal"
> messages are encrypted you draw attention to those messages and yourself. If
> messages can be decrypted by brute force, the fewer that are encrypted the
> easier you are making it for the sniffers.
> If everyone used PGP for everyday crap, then the important messages that
> really should be encrypted would pass unnoticed.
> If PGP really was painless/seamless to use, what would be your objection to
> using it?
If PGP were really seamless, I wouldn't object to having it "always on".
However, most (all?) of my e-mail is totally unimportant. Just casual
communication and organizing between my friends.
Most of the people I communicate with are not computer enthusiasts or even
experts. _If_ PGP came "always on" by default, regardless of the e-mail
app, then they would use it. I would have a very hard time convincing them
to install and use PGP otherwise. And if nobody else uses it, it's
pointless for me to.
Hey, come on, it's the same issues with Netscape vs. IE or MS-Office vs.
other office suites. First, most people will use whatever comes
pre-installed on their machine (IE vs. NS). And even if something else is
better, I can't use it because everyone else is using some other
"standard" (MS-Office vs. other).