Stupid privacy pissing match, was:Re: PGP problems

Skip Huffman
Wed, 02 Aug 2000 08:24:45 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 01 Aug 2000 21:09:05 -0300, Trevor Smith wrote:

>Suppose you are an atheist, think women should have the right to
>choose about abortions, and believe that guns are basically bad. Some
>people don't like to broadcast that sort of stuff (especially not on
>the 'net) because, frankly, there are a lot of fruitcakes in the
>world who get violent when you believe something they don't like.

My big use for PGP is for encrypting private messages between me
and my wife.  No, not that kind of message.  

I work in a cube farm, and several people can overhear phone
conversations.  Of course, I use the corporate email system, so
it is possible my IS folks are reading our email (perhaps even
for a good reason, what if one of my coworkers is embezzling or
something).  So neigher of those routes are paticularly private.
 Now what if I want to pass on some private financial
information to my wife, say tell her that the ATM is reporting
our account as drained.  I don't paticularly want to share that
with my coworkers, it is none of there business, and certainly
not with the IS embezzlement hunters, so we send PGP encrypted
email.  Nothing neferious, nothing deep and dark and dangerous,
just a homely discussion of lunch money.


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