PGP problems

Trevor Smith
Wed, 02 Aug 2000 18:36:11 -0300

On Wed, 02 Aug 2000 20:21:32 +0200 (CDT), Alexander Sarras wrote:

>BTw, at work I _have_ to use it. Company decision. But I would use PMMail
>(which I got registered, even for the Win-Version) if it'd be able to work
>with MS Exchange Servers ;->

(I have no idea if PMMail does or does not work with MS Exchange
servers but if you say so, I have only this to comment...)

Gee, I wonder why PMMail won't work with MS Exchange servers. :-)

Can you say "embrace and break", er, I mean "embrace and extend"?

>(How about passing _that_ on, Trevor)

Sure thing but don't hold your breath. MS will break things, er,
change things in a different way soon enough I'm sure and we'll be
back to square one again.

 Trevor Smith          |
 PGP public key available at: