PGP problems

Steve Lamb
Fri, 4 Aug 2000 16:00:13 -0700

On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 03:47:17PM -0700, Froggyball wrote:
> As I said before, even if I send out 100% of my e-mails encrypted,
> approximately 100% of the people I normally communicate with would refuse
> to install/use PGP

    False.  I know there are a dozen or so people on this list alone.  You're
having corrispondence with us right now and will have such in the future.
Furthermore you're also making a general statement about /all/ future
corrispondence you /might/ have.  

    Simply stated, you can't prove a negative.  You cannot say that everyone
you email now and ever will email will never, ever, use it.  Since everything
else is drawn from that incorrect assumption the rest of your statements are
null and void.

> (Nor do I care. Not yet anyways. I do not want anyone reading my e-mail,
> nor do I think it is appropriate for them to do so, but I cannot envision
> any harm or embarassment or loss of reputation from anyone doing so
> either. And what does this have to do with freedom???? As far as I know,
> at least in this country, I can run out on the street and shout almost
> anything I want without persecution. Anything I personally care say in
> private, I can say in public without fear of censor or imprisonment).

    As history has proven time and again it is thinking like this that causes
problems.  "I'm fine... /NOW/."  What about tomorrow?

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.