PGP problems
Fri, 4 Aug 2000 16:24:32 -0700 (PDT)
On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 03:47:17PM -0700, Froggyball wrote:
> > As I said before, even if I send out 100% of my e-mails encrypted,
> > approximately 100% of the people I normally communicate with would refuse
> > to install/use PGP
> False. I know there are a dozen or so people on this list alone. You're
> having corrispondence with us right now and will have such in the future.
> Furthermore you're also making a general statement about /all/ future
> corrispondence you /might/ have.
> Simply stated, you can't prove a negative. You cannot say that everyone
> you email now and ever will email will never, ever, use it. Since everything
> else is drawn from that incorrect assumption the rest of your statements are
> null and void.
Oh quit arguing minor semantics! I think most people on this list
understand very well what I mean.
This list is only a minor part of my communications, I rarely ever write
to this list (why this time, I dunno?). So far, this is not a secure list.
100% internal e-mail at my company are NOT encrypted. 100% external e-mail
out from my company are NOT encrypted. This is just how our customers want
it right now, and the customer is almost always right. I have spoken with
the IT guys in our company, there are no future plans (i.e. the next year)
to introduce encrypted e-mail. (Note I'm not saying this is wise or
correct, it just isn't done).
100% of my personal e-mail between myself and friends are not encrypted.
There are no foreseable plans for us to do so. Should we? Maybe yes. Do
we, will we? Not bloody likely.
Outside of this e-mail list, I know of ZERO other people who use encrypted
e-mail. You get the idea? Even if I like to use encrypted e-mail, I cannot
because I am in no position to dictate to others.
Will I NEVER use encrypted e-mail? I can't say that. If enough of my
correspondents use it, or at least express the willingness to use it, then
I will. Until then, I cannot use it, even if I desire to.