Fwd: (null)
Mike Kilroy
Sun, 06 Aug 2000 08:08:42 -0400
Wonder if anyone can help me solve this consistent Pmmail
I have a filter set to bounce any incoming mail coming to
sales@KilroyWasHere.com to three other people in our organization.
It works fine - normally. Then comes these emails from efax company
about 1/wk that crash pmmail consistently.
I have included one of these offending emails below.
A clue is that Pmmail crashes after a zillion copys of this goes into
my outbox. Only should be 3 copys; instead the outbox fills up with
50+ - all addressed to those three folks. Trevor - do I have some
kind of endless loop or something?
Anyone see why this might crash pmmail?
==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
>Return-Path: <b.6a.314ecc2@mx0.efax.com>
>Received: from mx0.efax.com (mx0.efax.com [])
> by kilroywashere.com (8.8.8/8.8.5) with SMTP id FAA14884
> for <sales@kilroywashere.com>; Sun, 6 Aug 2000 05:25:20 -0400
>Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 02:25:41 -0700 (PDT)
>Message-ID: <qBACzOFDA=398d2f15@mx0.efax.com>
>To: sales@kilroywashere.com
>From: news@mx0.efax.com
>Subject: We want your feedback
>X-Accept-Language: en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
> boundary="------------qBACzOFDA=00"
>X-UIDL: 3db99b179f959e84a60c24f993925b15
>Status: RO
Dear mike kilroy,
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Mike, AC8V
( o . o )