Privacy from whom?

Steve Lamb
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 10:11:48 -0700

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Tuesday, August 08, 2000, 9:53:14 AM, Bill wrote:
> I doubt it. The people Dr Sowell is referring to are, in fact,
> the modern socialists, the ones who supported Stalin while he
> was murdering millions, and their ilk who currently inhabit the
> left wing of American society.

    And right.  Remember, in the "left/right" political spectrum the far ends
meet.  I did not realize what that meant until a friend of mine directed me to
the Libertarian party and I read some of their literature.

    The left says, "We want everyone to have the same, so we'll take from here
and give to there."  A discrete form of socialism.  The overall theme, though,
is "We know what's good for you."

    The right says, well, "We know what's good for you" and try to dictate
ethics and morals through laws instead of trying to finance social programs as
the left does.

    The net effect is the same, the difference is that it is harder to fight
the extreme left viewpoint because it is "for the good of the people".  Most
people just don't realize the 2nd half is that it is also at the expense of
the people.

- --
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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